It's funny because jargon I hear at work every day has worked itself into every other aspect of my life, so I suppose a personal blog should be no exception.
The original creation of this site was as a requirement for one of my first classes once deciding to go back to school. In this class, all our assignments were to be posted here and then links submitted. Now that this site is no longer needed for that class, I have decided to repurpose it for my own creative purposes but still like the idea of having a personal academic paper catalog.
In addition to this, I intend to share any mental health breakthroughs or advice I may come across via therapy and my own shadow work. I began what I consider a spiritual journey early 2020 and want to share those changes with others as well. I like the idea of journalling but have always had an issue with consistency, so we'll all agree to give me some slack on that. ;P
Out of convenience and simplicity of process, any videos I make on tiktok that require (or encourage) citing sources or links, will be able to be found in it's own section as well.