The Musings Of A Growing Mind
Dead Roses
It took me six weeks, but I finally did it. The bouquet of flowers (Given to me by coworkers) As a sign of love in my "Time of need" died...
Humans Repeating Themselves
As someone fascinated by interesting facts, the most interesting thing to me is how it seems like the human experience largely consists...
Splintered Sanctuary
Silence. So anxious I can feel my heart thumping through my chest Threatening to turn the lump in my throat Into full blown tears to...
Love Override Code
If you've grown up or lived with any kind of mental illness or trauma, then you'll likely understand what I mean when I say, so much...
A Little Bit
I longed for time travel long before losing you, But it was always motivated by the same goal: To love you a little bit harder and hold...
My Reasons Why
TW: Suicide, self harm and eating disorders . . . . . Mental health is an ever changing, evolving, growing thing and really taking a step...
Scrolling through my feed has me a little heart broken. Even as a victim/survivor/badass/whatever, I didn’t know sexual assault affects...
Other Flowers
It's hard to choose "the biggest lesson" to learn from this heartbreak or "the thing I'll miss the most" because there's honestly too...
Your (Band) Shirt
Tears stream down my face as I clutch so tightly, now. As I wish I hugged you when saying goodbye that last time. Because the smell of...
Setting Expectations
It's funny because jargon I hear at work every day has worked itself into every other aspect of my life, so I suppose a personal blog...