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Your (Band) Shirt

Rhiannon Cox

Tears stream down my face as I clutch so tightly, now.

As I wish I hugged you when saying goodbye that last time.

Because the smell of you, faintly lingering on your shirt

Is the first thing to bring you any closer to me in weeks; or ever will again.

The first time I noticed was a sleepy, lazy, spring morning.

Sunlight faintly streaming through along the seams of the black out curtains,

Listening to the birds chirping in the trees outside below your window,

Our bodies tangled and entwined together in the most perfect cuddles.

You groaned about those birds while I played with your hair

You pulled me in closer, burrowing into the crook of my shoulder

And I basked in what I thought we'd have forever

Or closer to it, at least...

You hated those birds and you hated that apartment,

But for me, it was only ever our sanctuary.

The world outside was always falling apart, but we were untouched

In our little pocket of Seattle

It's where we shared our scars and mended old wounds

Where you rekindled my passion for music, something I lost long ago

We shared stories, both good and bad, from our pasts

And where I assumed we'd share some of our futures

You gave me love I did not feel I deserved

In a time it was so desperately needed

You showed me kindness I feared I could never earn

And assured me I was worth every bit and moment

You gave me encouragement, wisdom and strength I needed

When I couldn't find it for myself

Always feeling safe, loved and cherished

For the first time in my entire life

Your consistently met goal of making me feel as such

Every single day, for the last year and a half

Completely changing my life by simply, loving me.

Life feels cruel in this way;

I lived without you before and now I will do it again.

Except now I know who's missing,

And I know I can never get them back.

There was a time your voice didn't ring through and bring peace to my bones,

So I commit to memory the way it sounded when you said "I love you, Kitten"

Because now I find myself in a time

Where that longing ache is settling into place once more.

But for now, your (recent) favorite Sisters of Mercy shirt

Brings me exactly that; a small window of mercy.

Your scent reminding me of the days we were lucky to get

Of all the late night phone calls and talks about books

Of all the things I have to do without you now...

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